Saturday 25 July 2009

Let The Adventures Of The Green Jeans Begin

"What do you think he sees in her?"
"She's smart... funny... attractive..."
"Well you know... she has nice... skin."
"So you think he is going out with her because she has nice skin?"
"I'm just saying it could be a contributing factor."
"Hermione has nice skin. You know, as far as skin goes." etc.

Green Jeans 01

If you haven't guessed it, that was an extract from a conversation between Harry and Ron in the latest instalment of the Harry Potter movie adaptation series, which to be honest, was quite amusing having watched it for the second time. Apologises to any Harry Potter fans, but don’t you think that maybe, perhaps, just a little, they were trying a tad too hard this time around? I’d have to agree with my friend that it was a little too serious, even if they were going for the more mature feel.

Green Jeans 02

In other news, I have exchanged sheets of plastic rectangles for a pair of green skinny jeans. I’ll find out soon enough if they were an absolutely horrible choice or if they’re simply just meh.

And that’s the news.


Ellen Nakamura said...

Thanks for the comment, what a coincidence indeed! It seems you went at 3:30... my session was 2:45!
Anyway, I don't know who you are but your blog seems cool so I'm gonna follow (Y).

Yuta said...

The green jeans looks pretty good! Just wondering... Why did you bother watching Harry Potter? None of them were ever good... ;P

Oh yeah, my summer vacation homework for English is to watch a movie and review it. Apparently, it replaces the final exams too, so... Any recommendations? :D Something with a simple plot will be nice ;P